Put our strong relationship with all major media outlets to work for you. We can execute your advertising campaign by buying, booking or placing commercials for you on a variety of mediums. From broadcast to broadband, we have a working relationships with them all. And since we represent many clients, our buying power is greater than one individual advertiser.

TV Commercial AdvertisingGenerate strong brand identity by placing your TV commercials in the right places. Whether reaching an entire market with broadcast TV stations, or targeting specific geographic and demographic audiences with cable or connected TV networks, Communicasting's media buying services will assure your company’s message is heard and seen by as many people as possible.

Radio Commercial AdvertisingCommunicasting Studios, Inc. has been helping businesses invest their advertising budgets for over 25 years. We have strong, working relationships with all local radio stations and their parent companies in other markets. As an advertising agency we can buy radio ad time at a discounted rate. This allows us to purchase ad time on your behalf so that your radio ad campaign reaches more listeners. Plus, since we buy ad time for other advertisers, our buying power is greater than that of one individual advertiser. 

Billboard advertising, also known as Out of Home (OOH) advertising reaches over 90% of the market. No other advertising medium can offer that potential reach. From large boards on high-traffic roadways to smaller bulletins on surface streets, billboards allow us to target your sales message in the areas you want to reach. Communicasting can develop a billboard marketing strategy that promotes your brand within your budget.

Bus and Trolley Advertising

Advertising on busses has been a staple of localized advertising for decades. Because busses are routed near high population areas, their reach and exposure is ubiquitous. Whether you're a user of public transportation or share the roads with them, bus advertising allows us to achieve pedestrian and vehicular exposure with the size and color of a billboard that drives around town.

Boosted Digital Ads on Social MediaBoosted Digital Ads on Social Media are by far the most efficient and flexible way to get attention and generate traffic in quick period of time. By paying for ads on various digital platforms, you get to present your business and sales message to a very large number of potential customers. Plus, since the ads are presented based on a web users activity, you ads have more impact.

Social Media Marketing AgencyAdvertising on Social Media networks like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube allows you to place your brand in front of potential customers while they are "cyber-slacking." As people spend more time sharing their life online and viewing how others spend their life through social media, your message can be part of that mix with a creative and compelling Social Media Advertising campaign by Communicasting.

Remarketing and Retargeting AdvertisingRemarketing

Remarketing is a way to connect with people who previously interacted with your website or mobile app. It allows us to strategically place your ads in front of people that expressed an interest in the products or services you offer. This allow you to "remind" them what you have to offer near the time they are ready to make a purchase.


Retargeting is a form of online advertising that targets consumers based on their previous internet behavior. Retargeting allows us to deliver your sales message to them as they navigate throughout the internet utilizing a variety of paid advertising spaces and social media ads.

What Is Communicasting?

Com · mu · ni · cast · ing, verb

   1. Creating customers through branding.

   2. Communication through broadcasting.

No matter which definition you choose, Communicasting Studios will provide you with marketing that creates customers.