Video ProductionVideography

Our crew of talented videographers and photographers can capture all the action. From short video clips that can be used to reinforce your message to attractive B-roll that can be used to set the mood of a video, we can help you get your point across in High Definition video.

Videography for All Purposes

We have videography experience for all types of projects:

  • Interviews
  • Demonstration
  • Presentation
  • Procedure
  • Training
  • Interstitial
  • Ambiance
  • Aerial / Drone

Communicasting can also handle other aspects of video production; from storyboarding your concept, writing the script, shooting on location, video editing and post production. All designed to get your point across while promoting your brand.

Videographers Standing By

Call (727) 201-2217 today to talk with our creative videographers and photographers to discuss your goals and plan how we can help you achieve them.

What Is Communicasting?

Com · mu · ni · cast · ing, verb

   1. Creating customers through branding.

   2. Communication through broadcasting.

No matter which definition you choose, Communicasting Studios will provide you with marketing that creates customers.