TV Commercial AdvertisingTV Commercials

Generate strong brand identity by placing your TV commercials in the right places. Whether reaching an entire market with broadcast TV stations, or targeting specific geographic and demographic audiences with cable or connected TV networks, Communicasting's media buying services will assure your company’s message is heard and seen by as many people as possible.

Reach More Customers per Dollar

Maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your advertising by enlisting the service of a professional media buying service. Communicasting Studios, Inc. has been helping businesses invest their advertising budgets for over 25 years. Whether you're looking to market your business using broadcast, cable, or digital media, Communicasting can help you manage your television ad spend to give you more reach, additional frequency, and ultimately increased conversion. Our strong relationship with all major television station, networks, and cable providers allows us to execute your advertising campaign by buying, booking or placing your commercials for you efficiently. Plus, since we are buying time for our other clients, our buying power is greater than one individual advertiser.

TV Ad Buying Services

  • Broadcast Television
  • Cable Television
  • OTT (over-the-top) Television Advertising
  • CTV (Connected TV) Advertising
  • Linear Advertising

Reach Customers with the Latest Technology

As cable television subscribers continue to "cut the cable," reaching television views has become more challenging. While broadcast television stations continue to reach large geographic areas with their programming, often they reach more households than needed or reach areas far from an advertisers service area.

As viewers move towards using alternative methods to watch television programs, enlisting the services of Communicasting will allow you to reach these potential customers using OTT (over-the-top) television advertising and CTV (Connected TV) advertising as they consume media.

Efficiently Deliver Your Sales Message

Whether you call it OTT, CTV, or TV streaming advertising, we can help you efficiently and effectively deliver your sales message to potential customers no matter what method they use to watch television.

Interactive and Measurable

Present your business sales message using the efficiency and interactivity of digital ads with the attention-getting branding look of television to generate traffic.

  • Detailed Audience Data
  • Efficient Reach and Frequency
  • Maximum User Experience
  • Advertise on the Right TV Streaming Channel
  • Targeted Marketing

Like all forms of digital advertising, your ad placement can be controlled using a variety of parameters to maximize your advertising budget:

  • Geographically
  • Demographically
  • Time of Day
  • Day of Week
  • Monthly
  • Seasonally

This flexibility permits us to buy media for your advertising campaign to target potential customers in an efficient and controllable manner.

TV Media Buyers Standing By

Call (727) 201-2217 today to talk with our TV Media Buyers to discuss your goals and plan how we can help you achieve them.


What Is Communicasting?

Com · mu · ni · cast · ing, verb

   1. Creating customers through branding.

   2. Communication through broadcasting.

No matter which definition you choose, Communicasting Studios will provide you with marketing that creates customers.