Social Media Marketing AgencySocial Media Ads

Advertising on Social Media networks like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube allows you to place your brand in front of potential customers while they are "cyber-slacking." As people spend more time sharing their life online and viewing how others spend their life through social media, your message can be part of that mix with a creative and compelling Social Media Advertising campaign by Communicasting.

Whether you're looking to promote a product or stay top-of-mind, an interactive Social Media Ad campaign by the creative and professional marketing experts at Communicasting will help you grow your business and stay ahead of your competition. This includes writing compelling ad copy, choosing eye-catching graphics, and attention-getting videos. 

Social Media Ad Placement

We utilize proven practices to assure your social media ads get noticed by as many users as possible. 

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • YouTube

Targeted Marketing

The placement of these digital ads on these platforms gives us the ability to control the placement of your ads using a variety of parameters to maximize your advertising budget:

  • Geographically
  • Demographically
  • Time of Day
  • Day of Week
  • Monthly
  • Seasonally

This flexibility permits us to build a Social Media Advertising campaign for your business that targets your potential customers in an efficient and controllable manner. 

Social Media Advertising Experts Standing By

Call (727) 201-2217 today to talk with our Social Media Advertising Experts to discuss your goals and plan how we can help you achieve them.


What Is Communicasting?

Com · mu · ni · cast · ing, verb

   1. Creating customers through branding.

   2. Communication through broadcasting.

No matter which definition you choose, Communicasting Studios will provide you with marketing that creates customers.